Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Brothers and sisters the moment you have all been waiting for.....

đŸ“£Brothers and sisters the moment you have all been waiting for..... ha the moment when I went to eat at our pension and found that the mystery dish was... no other than vegetables and BEANS!! ahh!!!  But I told God I would be obedient and do and go where ever he would want me to and I did it!!!  I suffered and ate them with a gallon of juice haha.................

But on a serious note, I learned so much this week!  I learned that as missionaries we are not only set apart from the world, but we are given a power to give promises, and as we do so, if the people that we give those promises to are faithful and act upon it, they will be able to receive them.  I never thought about it until this weekend when I saw a dad activate himself in the church and baptize his two kids  Joy filled my heart for many didn't have faith that he could do it. But thanks to the promises God gave him and his family, they are now walking together on a journey that will take them to the Glory of Him who gives to all his everlasting joy!  I know families can be together forever but only through His Son's atonement. I can promise all of you if you keep on walking in his light and are leading others by the light he has given you, much will be the joy when you see many come unto Him.  This we can do and being true disciples of God and the way to be a true son and daughter of Him is given in the scriptures. I saw this in ALMA 7:22-25. I know that if you prepare yourself spiritually and read and ponder all that is said in these verses you will gain the promise that your garments will be spotless in the last days and that you will dwell in His Everlasting Kingdom of glory with Him who has loved you even before you came to be.

 I love you all and know that I'm giving my all to God!  All of you are the source of my joy and strength!
Elder Blanco

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